ACCS offers both an Oregon High School Diploma and a GED program
Oregon High School Diploma
This program is an on-campus, in-person model
ACCS uses small, interdisciplinary classes to teach the skills and knowledge required for high school graduation. Credit is awarded only for work that meets the appropriate state standard for the task. Students may work on the task until it meets the standard.
Class sizes of 24 or fewer students (average of 17) allows for greater teacher and peer support.
Students are placed in courses that match their current levels in Reading, Writing, and Math.
Most students graduate with a standard Oregon Diploma
Students may alternatively earn a Modified or Extended Diploma if the student and their support team determines that option is in the best interest of the student.
Student schedules may be adjusted by a student’s support team based on individual needs,
most students attend in person on campus full days Tuesday-Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
*SPED students will meet for one period on Phoenix High School campus every Monday
that classes are regularly scheduled for Phoenix High School*
Oregon Diploma Requirements
Oregon Standard Diploma Requirements
Fine Arts 3.00
Social Science 3.00
Health 1.00
Language Arts 4.00
Math 3.00
Physical Education 1.00
Science 3.00
Higher Ed/CTE 0.5
Personal Finance 0.5
Electives 5.00
Total 24.00
Other requirements for graduation:
Student Plan & Profile: stating student goals and steps to obtain each; updated each term.
Essential Skills: demonstrated through approved State Standardized Tests and/or work samples
Senior Capstone Project:
30 points earned through a variety of activities centered in career, college, and life skills
We're still experimenting with making this a student-led and purposefully planned project of enrichment
GED Program
This program is largely completed on campus and in person
The GED Options program is available for students who meet the criteria below:
At least 16 years of age
A full year’s academic credit behind their 9th grade cohorts or for other reasons specifically identified in the local plan, unable to complete their diploma with their class
Able to demonstrate their reading level to be 8th grade or above according to local instruction and testing (Demonstrated through Edmentum Exact Path Diagnostic taken at ACCS enrollment)
Approved for participation after completing the local approval process, which includes an interview with administration, family, and student, and agreement to abide by program participation standards.
Enrolled in high school and able to provide the following information (ACCS can help provide ID numbers)
First, Middle, and Last Name
Date of Birth
Four-Year Class Graduation Year
Oregon Student State Identification Number, (SSID)
Resident/Attending District Institution Number
Continuation in the program will depend on progress evaluated every six weeks.
Staff will determine when testing is appropriate based on student outcome data and will make official testing available when data indicates that a student is likely to pass a specific topic.
Students who are 18 years or older may be eligible for the Oregon GED Program if they meet these criteria:
At least 18 years of age, not yet 19 on or before the first day of classes in that academic year.
Lacking enough credit to prevent graduation with their Four-Year Class cohort.
Demonstrate substantial need or burden that results in inability to complete their diploma